Funeral agency prices

Funeral agency prices is one of the popular Google searches. For the convenience of customers, we will summarize here some of the common price offers in Sofia and make a brief comment.

Funeral agency prices
Funeral agency prices. An infographic on how to save on funeral costs in the United States, where average prices range between $7,000 and $9,000. Source:

Funeral agency prices - what are the differences?

When you search for funeral prices on search engines you will be shown different prices. We start from the lowest. They may come up as social funerals, extreme prices, cheap funeral prices, prices for ordinary funerals, funeral for Sofia with all inclusive arrangements. The amounts range from £250 to £500. There are also intermediate options for about 300-350 BGN. These offers plus advertisements of the "lowest prices" type are fully justified in view of the social situation in the country, but people should examine very carefully what is obtained for these sums. You may end up having to pay a lot more.

The real low price for a decent, but tailored to more limited financial opportunities, funeral is about 700-750 leva.

Suggestions for more expensive funerals also vary widely. Read carefully what these offers include. If something is not clear, do not hesitate to ask. Good funeral agencies are also distinguished by the fact that they do not hesitate to answer questions politely and carefully. Prices usually vary. There is virtually no upper limit. An excellently organised funeral can be done for around £1,700, with the package to include a church service, provision of a free new grave site. You should definitely ask if this is a real end price, with no hidden fees or mark-ups.

When searching on the internet, look at the reviews for the respective funeral agency. Compare these reviews with the information on the funeral agency websites. Ask your relatives and friends for their personal experiences. Read carefully everything that is included in the relevant quote.


Hello, my name is Ilarion Kapitanov and I am the founder of Kiparis Funeral Agency. I created this blog to help people find reliable information about funeral services, rituals and Bulgarian customs drawing from my professional experience as a funeral home owner.

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